Simple and innovative solutions
Djois is the essence of what Tarifold, 3L Office, and Jalema have always been about: offering organization and structure to help active people achieve their goals…and be happy about it! But Djois is more. Djois is smooth and emotional in a market that is often grey and dull. Djois is empowering 🙂 Most importantly, Djois is green at heart 💚 As Tarifold, 3L Office, and Jalema, we were pioneers in introducing environmentally friendly products and materials. As Djois, we will push our product development and commitment toward a better planet even harder 🌍 As one unique brand, we will be stronger and more dedicated than ever to push the limits of creativity and sustainability. There were once three but now there is one... Starting January 2023, Djois will replace the Tarifold, 3L Office, and Jalema brands in a rolling change through 2023. We are so excited to begin this new journey with you, and hope you are too!